Soul Path Aspect

Our soul has certain tasks to perform on earth. By pairing up, we can achieve this goal of the soul more easily, because our partner will help us in this, or the achievement of the goal may be inhibited, because our partner will block us in it.

This indicator shows the degree of fit in this context.

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No mutual level of match.

Contradictory Soul Paths

The souls of the people selected for this compilation have contradictory task paths for this life.
The lack of adjustment in this aspect results in a complete lack of understanding of the actions or life choices of the partner.

Goal blockade

Such a relationship inhibits us from achieving the goals with which we came into this world.
With this mismatch, neither side adds anything to the other's life, as their individual life missions do not coincide.

No match

A lack of alignment in this aspect of the soul path does not disqualify the relationship as such.
It's important to realize that there is simply no match here, and you shouldn't expect your partner to change over time.

Dark green

High mutual matching.

The souls of partners chose each other to support each other in carrying out the tasks assigned for this life.

Realizing that our partner is a mirror for us, so that we can see what aspects or lessons of the case we have to work through, is the first step to internal development.

The relationship of such persons brings mutual benefits to the parties.

Risk groups

You are at risk. What does it mean?

You may get the impression that everyone around you is in a happy relationship, but you are not. We live with an "energy imprint" of a system of planets that were in the sky on our birthday.

This system determines certain difficulties or facilitations in various aspects of our life.

If you belong to the so-called "risk group" - this means that your natal "energy imprint" contains combinations of certain astrological aspects that indicate that your soul has chosen a non-standard way of experiencing relationships, which translates into some complications in choosing the right partner.

This is why you get into many unhappy or misplaced relationships, or you suffer from the complete absence of them. Among the 28 astrological constellations, we distinguish a few that result in the lives of the people born in them, unique perturbations of a love nature.

Harmonijny związek

Większość osób może wejść w harmonijny związek z dowolnym partnerem, bo ich konstelacja urodzeniowa daje wiele możliwości połączeń. Związki te mogą być bardziej lub mniej udane ale będą one istniały, czasami nawet bardzo długo.

Jednak jeżeli jesteś osobą z "grupy ryzyka" z tym doborem nie jest już tak prosto. Masz dużo większy problem z dopasowaniem właściwego partnera, bo Twoja konstelacja daje tych możliwości po prostu mniej. To nie znaczy, że nie masz szczęścia w miłości albo związek jako taki w ogóle nie jest Ci pisany.

To znaczy, że nie masz za dużego wyboru jeśli chodzi o dobór osoby, z którą stworzysz wieloletni i szczęśliwy związek. Już samo uświadomienie sobie tego stanu, że nie każda napotkana osoba, która nam się podoba i odwzajemnia nasze uczucia da nam szanse na szczęście, pozwala na podjęcie odpowiednich decyzji.

Twoja sytuacja nie jest beznadziejna - taki układ urodzeniowy zawęża jedynie spektrum wyboru ale wybór ten - jest możliwy.